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Win a College Scholarship!

Are you a High School senior getting ready to head to college next year?

Tell us about who inspired you to pursue a higher education and you could win a college scholarship! Our firm is giving away three prizes to the top submissions. All you have to do is write a 500 word essay telling us about who inspired you to go to college. Submit your entry and a photo below for your chance to win!

Grand Prize: $2,000
Second Prize: $1,000
Third Prize: A New Laptop

Submission Deadline: May 27th
Winner Announcement: May 30th

Submit Your Essay Below:

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Congratulations to Last Year’s Winners!

We were so honored by all of the great submissions this year and picking winners is never easy. Our firm truly wishes all of our Highs School seniors the absolute best as they embark on their next journey!

Of all the amazing essay submissions, these three stood out as great candidates for our College Scholarship awards and we are happy to present them with their prizes.

Thank you again to all those who submitted essays, we wish you the best of luck!

Grand Prize Winner: Steve Paul

Steve Paul

We are pleased to award Steve a $2,000 Scholarship for College! Congratulations Steve and thank you for your submission!

Here is an excerpt from his essay: “I always put my all in every single piece of work I have to do, and put my best self forward in my sports and extracurriculars. I do this so I can show my siblings the rewards that come with putting your all into something. I want to serve as an inspiration to them, that when you put your mind to something, you can achieve anything.”

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Secondary Prize Winner: Sanaa Nagpaul Sharma

Sanaa Nagpaul Sharma

We are pleased to award Sanaa a $1,000 Scholarship for College! Congratulations Sanaa and thank you for your submission!

Here is an excerpt from her essay: “I volunteered at a cardiac imaging clinic where I came to appreciate the effort and skill required to effectively diagnose and treat patients. I look forward to expanding on these experiences, furthering my interest in biomedical science, and possibly finding the cure that saves the life of someone else’s father.”

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Third Prize Winner: Rebecca Calvillo

Rebecca Calvillo

We are pleased to award Rebecca a New Laptop for College! Congratulations Rebecca and thank you for your submission!

Here is an excerpt from her essay: “As a first generation college student, education is a step closer not only toward a better future but I am able to provide my family with a better future, life, and commodity. I hope to not only inspire those around me, but my future family. I know this journey will not be easy, where I come across all these bumps on the road, but every time I remember my parents’ sacrifice for their kids and their education, it pushes me beyond.”

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