Lawsuit Alleges Man’s Mental Disability the Result of Medical Negligence
Last updated Monday, November 6th, 2023
Mental disability medical negligence – When medical professionals or medical facilities act negligently when providing care to patients, it can result in patients suffering serious harm. Such harm can be very impactful on a patient’s life. Thus, one hopes that all medical professionals and medical facilities make sure to act properly in connection to the care of patients.
Recently, a case has arisen involving allegations of mental disability medical negligence. The case is from Illinois. The case regards medical care a man received from a hospital and two doctors.
It has been alleged that negligence occurred during the course of the man’s care. Specifically, it has been alleged that the hospital and the two doctors failed to act properly in connection to the consideration/ruling out of potential causes of symptoms the man was exhibiting.
Allegedly, this alleged negligence by the doctors and the hospital led to the man suffering a cerebral vascular injury, which in turn caused the man to become mentally disabled.
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A medical malpractice lawsuit has been brought in a court in Illinois against the two doctors and the hospital in connection to these allegations. According to the article on the Madison/St. Clair Record’s website which reported this story, damages are being sought in this lawsuit.
As the allegations in this case underscore, medical negligence can have significant impacts on patients. No patient should have to be subjected to medical negligence. One hopes that medical professionals and medical facilities are held accountable when they act negligently in relation to patient care and such negligence results in a patient suffering injuries or other harms.
Source: The Madison/St. Clair Record, “St. Elizabeth’s and doctors blamed for alleged misdiagnosis,” Kelly Holleran, Jan. 31, 2013
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